The LAB! is the oldest student theatre organization at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill.  LAB! Theatre produces up to 12 productions per academic year, all of which are entirely student driven.  The LAB! functions with three producers and a board.  Producers, board members, directors, actors, technicians and designers are all students.  All performances are free to the public as well as the university community.  LAB! strives to create an experimental environment.  Both majors and non-majors are welcome; please feel free to share and contribute both your ideas and your talents with us.

THE LAB! BOARD '08 - '09

Producers:  Sarah Berk, Erin Hanehan, Andrew Slater, Amelia Sciandra

Student Representatives:  Carina Cortese, Elyse Familetti 

Business Manager:  Kate Herman

Social Chairs: Todd Patrick Lewis, Ramey Mize

Community Outreach Manager:  Christine Mottram
Community Outreach Staff:  Christine Zagrobeiny, Lori Elisabeth Baldwin

Publicity Manager:  Bridget Russell
Publicity Staff:  Sara Aceituno, Doug Harris, Cameran Hebb, Zac Moon, Andrew Tate

House Managers:  Sherrie Donecker, Patrick Hogan, Russell Johnson, Lee Storrow
Dramaturgs:  Emily Childress, Alex Owen

Design Coordinator:  Jaki Bradley
Photographer:  Jordan Popalis

Webmaster:  Jen Spillane  

BLOG:  http://www.labtheatre.blogspot.com/